The oldest person in my family that I could remember...
The oldest person in my family that I could remember is my grandfather
from my biological father's side. His name is Jose and he is currently
living in Tijuana, California. He is a short, dark skinned male with
hair so white that it almost looked like puffy snow. He wore his pants
almost up to half his stomach, which now that I look at it, was very
hilarious. He had big round glasses that looked like the bottom of a
soda can. You could say he dressed like a typical nerd, but he wasn't
all that bright. He sat on the couch all day, since he was too old to
work. He sat there like a dead vegetable watching soccer or the news all
day. When he wasn't watching TV he was either sleeping or at the
kitchen table eating. I remember him always being serious he really had
no sense of humor, he was a bitter old man. I never really got along
with him, he never held me tight like a grandpa should. I never really
felt loved or cared for by him. I always remember him screaming and
getting into stupid little fights with my grandma, which I don't get
along with her either. He wasn't really the lovey dovey type of guy, he
was more like," You do as I say and we won't have issues, if you disobey
me, we will have lots of problems." It was his way or no way.
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